Dry Drunk Syndrome and What is a Dry Drunk?

Dry Drunk Meaning

The term Dry Drunk Syndrome, or simply Dry Drunk, refers to a person who quit drinking alcohol but still has destructive or unhealthy behaviors related to addiction. Avoiding the self-examination and emotional work necessary for recovery can leave a person who’s entirely sober feeling worse than they did before they quit drinking altogether. For an … Read more

46 Movies About Drugs, Addiction and Alcoholism

Movies About Drugs and Addiction

Movies about drugs, addiction and alcoholism can be hard-hitting and even triggering for some people. However, they serve as a strong reminder of how addiction can impact all areas of life for those in recovery. Being in recovery for drug and alcohol substance use is an active process that must be maintained daily to remain … Read more

Serotonin Syndrome Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

serotonin syndrome

Serotonin Syndrome symptoms are not something many people are familiar with, but anyone taking antidepressant medications or SSRIs for depression or mood disorders should be aware of them. In the last two decades, serotonin has become a buzzword associated with good health, and for good reason. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter, or chemical messenger, that is … Read more

Red Ribbon Week Drug Prevention Awareness Campaign

Red Ribbon Week Drug Prevention Awareness Campaign

Red Ribbon Week is an essential awareness campaign held every year from October 23 to 31 throughout the United States to prevent violence and drug use by children and teens. As the nation’s largest and oldest drug prevention initiative, it is beneficial way to create awareness and encourage kids to learn about the importance of … Read more

Is Mixing Adderall and Weed Safe?

Adderall and Weed

ADHD medications and marijuana are both commonly used by teens, college students, and young adults, so it’s important to understand the possible dangers and side effects of mixing Adderall and weed at the same time. ADHD medications like Adderall are in high demand because they improve focus, concentration, and productivity for students and professionals. At … Read more

Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome and PAWS Symptoms

Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome

Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS) is not a term most people are familiar with, although many in recovery know about the symptoms. It’s common for people with a substance use addiction to fear detox and withdrawal because of the uncomfortable physical and mental symptoms. The cravings, pain, and flu-like symptoms are a few of the … Read more

How to Increase Oxytocin Effects and Benefits

How to Increase Oxytocin

Understanding how to increase oxytocin naturally can have positive effects and benefits on the way we feel, our relationships with others, and even play a healthy role in addiction treatment and recovery. Oxytocin is sometimes called the “love hormone” and has a significant impact on our emotional health, happiness, and physical well-being. What is Oxytocin? … Read more

Pain Awareness Month in September

pain awareness month

September is recognized as Pain Awareness Month to better educate those who deal with pain on a regular basis. Sadly, over 14 million people worldwide live in perpetual pain. In the United States, the CDC estimates that about 20.4% of adults live with constant chronic pain. That is a lot of people who live in … Read more

Overdose Awareness Day – Famous People Who Overdosed

Overdose Awareness Day

International Overdose Awareness Day is recognized every year on August 31, to bring attention to this global issue. Although the public only hears about famous people who overdosed, it can happen to anyone. Death due to overdose has been on the rise in the United States, and from 2016 to 2017, the number of overdose … Read more

Anhedonia Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Anhedonia Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Anhedonia causes and symptoms are closely tied to drug and alcohol addiction, as well as a number of mental health conditions. Most people understand the meaning of anhedonia and what it represents, even if they aren’t familiar with the word itself. The condition impacts the lives of many people who are affected by depression, substance … Read more